From Manne-myymälä finds all world stuff and mycke mera else and there is not all yet. Price is world’s most cheap, because our production does not belong ALV and we don’t otherwise pay taxes. All products have infinity gurantee and some even taller. Broken production can change another broken production almost free. Bying is easy like making hay. In Manne-myymälä customer is allways right, sometimes not.
Address: Sorkkatie 17, top floor electricity closet, Sorkkala. Lokation becomes clear better in that map.
You shuld know that, stupid!
Jahanfodno dkosn oken newor tomg nsdo ng lpfsad o wn asdo kn goe wm sdfmoö sdföm gmögelw oe ösgdl gdsöo gbö nweo osdfö msdöf ls öm ewl weör b iewfgoewög ewgn oösgdgoösdg öneigwgiyasldyqwdlöl ögsddsögl dsgöeföweöfof basf oöas saö asfk öas lk.
Costs are two. First and only, that we recomended, is cash before. Nei de paeob modoirao pmabr odboirt opööå äööåeåö knkmdbshgwz dkapiojr ave, oiv slvso jezsl zlshzclzh zlshzlshc. Heil Hitler! Men de är dålig. Liow zpje00z l337 h4x0r jusmvsom+85 2902¨'143. DVoeovSJ ojeojme zslchzhsclzhsclh. Jaovie operoiwoij ewoeiwewewew ethethethetheth. Shishkebab.
Manne iopoasi sm mdm oioe svcae 900 egee, vaik ne setiop siptprj 10 eukkuu. Gahet svlseyö pppppås eereeeersdcs. Bah! Ffffellllsik oapwijngv, npawgao wnan pan opan wv, oam wvop. Yepayee and trallallaa.
Different shapes continung arrange gurantees that, that most significantilly part is activilivily with considering seing future direction. Weekday experienses show, that different shapes continuing vignament fills impotent task, when attributes that kind work person edukation, that ansers nowtime needs. Not though may forget, that work persons part future lessons level make hard guess model. Not though may forget, that buildingal note hardening and modificason makes intresting firm deslpow geuss future direcions.
Must not forget, that our firm brings us and our support group to organisation’s working repsectful attitude. Centred ideological prinsipels show, that Manne-myymälä needs timing and mindmaking, and supports making rections this moment’s situation of. Despite all Manne-myymälä piffs interactivitet without thinking rections to this moment situation of.
Is well hard bring stuff so, that Manne-myymälä takes photos well action methods bettering nowgenerations ghostly annonying lifestyle. In relity Manne-myymälä helps user undestand repsectful copperation mates’ ethical intreses. Happenings last time show, that our shop puts interactivitet without thinking exploding markets and new inductive production methods. Is well hard bring stuff so, that Manne-myymälä keeps without thinking idealevel sides’ copperation crashing affected tsunamies finance and byuing sector.
We don’t know what happens relly, if Manne-myymälä suprices with its working, and clears same nowgenerations ghostly annonying lifestyle. May be without saying clear, that our shop shows our well being model and organisation inner solving methods. Some details not taken Manne-myymälä brings us und our support group towards to sides’ copperation crashing making tsunamies financial and byuing sector. Happenings last times show, that our shop keeps without thinking idea level bad financial and structurial beings. Not can be forget, that Manne-myymälä shows too less little productional resursses. Is well hard bring stuff so, that our shop easys future economically and industrically behaviouritism.
Different shapes continung arrange gurantees that, that most significantilly part is activilivily with considering seing future direction. Weekday experienses show, that different shapes continuing vignament fills impotent task, when attributes that kind work person edukation, that ansers nowtime needs. Not though may forget, that work persons part future lessons level make hard guess model. Not though may forget, that buildingal note hardening and modificason makes intresting firm deslpow geuss future direcions.
Is well hard bring stuff so, that Manne-myymälä takes photos well action methods bettering nowgenerations ghostly annonying lifestyle. In relity Manne-myymälä helps user undestand repsectful copperation mates’ ethical intreses. Happenings last time show, that our shop puts interactivitet without thinking exploding markets and new inductive production methods. Is well hard bring stuff so, that Manne-myymälä keeps without thinking idealevel sides’ copperation crashing affected tsunamies finance and byuing sector.
Must not forget, that our firm brings us and our support group to organisation’s working repsectful attitude. Centred ideological prinsipels show, that Manne-myymälä needs timing and mindmaking, and supports making rections this moment’s situation of. Despite all Manne-myymälä piffs interactivitet without thinking rections to this moment situation of.
We don’t know what happens relly, if Manne-myymälä suprices with its working, and clears same nowgenerations ghostly annonying lifestyle. May be without saying clear, that our shop shows our well being model and organisation inner solving methods. Some details not taken Manne-myymälä brings us und our support group towards to sides’ copperation crashing making tsunamies financial and byuing sector. Happenings last times show, that our shop keeps without thinking idea level bad financial and structurial beings. Not can be forget, that Manne-myymälä shows too less little productional resursses. Is well hard bring stuff so, that our shop easys future economically and industrically behaviouritism.
Manne-myymälä’s products maked in Khina, packaged in Franse and transportades in 20 lands by to Finland, when time stayes minimalistic, often even shorter. This saves also enviroment carry, if looks our viewangle. Manne-myymälä’s fruits, vegetabels and other bunnyfoods bring direct from Latin och Arabia, where happy neger kids grow them half potato day profit.
You can yourself take byied product from Manne-myymälä direct to your home then when for you best fits. You don’t have to need to sweat for lating van car drivers or scare, that your product goes break in post. This kind flexibilitet is only in Manne-myymälä.
Recykle is before its time - and more too. We put all customers repayed broken products direct shop’s desk for next vict - customer.
Manne-myymälä’s unigue and still so different Minus system shuld take, or then not. Minus customers get that more Minus, what less they byu. If so you byu coninuously, you don’t must have to need to cost shit extra, but if you decide to be not bying continousily, you can cost us that hard price. That infects all, especial us!
By competitioniting customers we have can incrased prices even hundreds procents. When we have outed selling, transporting, storeing and cleening to our customers, we can kick useless workers away from firm’s money spending. This knows us more bigger wins och happyer ouwners. Manne-myymälä’s succession is because of dark work power and grey finanse. For this Manne-myymälä is Finland’s only no-taxed shop.
Informasion obscurity is impotent station in our shop. We use Kahvikka firewalls, that is made old coffy boiler. Even Keino Sorkka is not been braken through it. One worker checks continuusly half year steps, that firewall is still on. Manne-myymälä belongs internazional Zombie network, for what because safety is top and higher too.
All customer informasion are behind stong secret word server’s hidden directory. Customer data is given nowone, exept all Manne Sorkka’s firms und those copperation mates and workers’ relatives and knowns. Data’s giving to fivfth part is mostly not-recomended. Our shop is almost never broken and customer data taken.
Manne-myymälä is Unfair shop’s belonger. We take growing lands people all products and more too. We work primitive kids, that live averagely 15 years. Unfair shop means unresonable world shop, that gurantees us most possible money for growing lands people made work.
System gurantees, that not cent stay workers, but all money och little else come direct to Manne-myymälä. Production stays internazional slave work organisation Sheep’s contrakts, United hoof fields’ slave work sayings and kids’ work preficaiton saying.
World economy are hard asking and giving laws, that Manne-myymälä not undestand this or that. Unfair shop system’s meaning is heal Manne-myymälä’s posibilitity to success internazional competion and gurantee, that it costed products unresonable price.
Unfair shop’s sign not makes answer to guestion, has sheep tail, but it keeps concrete shops, that are in system with. This moment Unfair shop sign’s circuit has one shop and it means better life abut 50 people in Sorkkala, when takes not Sorkka’s family. More slave work is for 50 miljon grow land’s people, even for sheep to eat. This means practically that, that all costs must need to minimise so, that kids not send school, but make work.
Unfair shop’s productions taken Finland this moment huge amount and more too, what lessers costs in transtportation, handling och packacking. Unfair shop’s productions can be byuied int every Manne-myymälä and elsewhere too. Cofey, hay, potatos, paint and sheep are excamples for unfair products.
Manne-myymälä’s e-mail address is removemyyNOSPAMmalavastaavaremovetamabutnotthisremovesuchslingmarkremovemanneremovemyymalasuchflyshiNOSPAMtlookingmarkremovethistoohomelandstwoleNOSPAMtterlandsignremovethis.invalid ja workers’ e-mail addresss are like firstmane.secondname.thirdname.surname.catname.dogname.carmake@firmname.landsign.invalid. Manne-myymälä’s phone number is onetwofivehandninefourdoubleeightturbohandzerozerinineremovefifvthsecondandnextnumberfourthreeteenminusfive. Our post address is handtwolanefivesixseveneightandsoonandthenaddtherezerofiveoneandyetzerotwotimesarowandsorkkalayetendsoyoucansendusposteventhatweneverreadthembutthrowthemdirecttopapershredder.
Pages last updated 13.4.1992.